Calendar of Events

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

8th District Royal Arch Association Golf Outing

The 8th District Royal Arch Association Golf Outing was held on Sunday June 26, 2011 at Oak Harbor Country Club with a scramble format.

Findlay companions gave it their best, fielding two teams with guests. Although neither was the best on the course, each was the best dressed with sponsorship shirts provided by Ron Drebert. Another great event was organized by Wayne Dill with a fine meal and prizes for all at the end of the day.

All proceeds support the Royal Arch Foundation and Adopt America Network.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Findlay Chapter #58 Welcome to our blog

Our Findlay Chapter #58 blog is now up and welcomes all companions and guests to our site.

Ronald Drebert was elected High Priest of Findlay Chapter #58, Royal Arch Masons, at the annual elections on May 3, 2011. Other Officers elected include: Steve Roth, King; Charles Insley, Scribe; David Roth, Captain of the Host; Gary LaRoche, Principal Sojourner; Rick Eakin, Royal Arch Captain; Robert Grandbois, Master of the 3rd Veil; Robert Garey, Master of the 2nd Veil; Lance Stevens, Master of the 1st Veil; Cody Hancock, Guard; Oscar C. Schultz, Secretary; and J. Avery Evinger, Treasurer. Richard Herr was appointed as Chaplain.
A Charter was granted on October 16th, 1854 to Findlay Chapter. Stated convocations are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM, except July and August. Present membership is 186. The new Officers were Installed at a joint Installation with Findlay Council, on June 21, 2011. Findlay Chapter is one of eight Chapters that compromise the 7th Capitular District of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Ohio.
Excellent Companion Charles Insley served your Chapter during the last Session and earned our thanks for his service and dedication. The “Hugs & Kisses” fund raising campaign started for Findlay Council last year will be continued and expanded this year for Findlay Chapter in support of the Royal Arch Foundation, Adopt America Network.

A calender will be available as on the Findlay Council blogspot soon. Please also check “” for Council related activities, announcements and events.